Various restrictions during pregnancy may often make pregnant women hesitate or afraid to do activities. Many things are forbidden, because they say it is not safe for babies in the womb. Then, what about these five things? Having a pregnancy does not mean pregnant women can not do normal activities. Pregnant women still can move, really. However, do it with more caution and caution so that the health of pregnant women and the fetus is maintained. Following restrictions is okay. But remember, not all restrictions are true. Many restrictions that turned out to be just a myth. In fact, some restrictions can actually endanger the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Is This Safe to Do when Pregnant? The following are 5 things that should not be done by pregnant women because it is not safe for the womb and the fetus. Is that true? 1. Sleeping on his stomach or supine position Sleeping on your stomach or stomach on your stomach is actually allowed if done early in pregnancy....