Dental floss or dental floss is a solution for cleaning leftover food that is still stuck between your teeth. Getting used to brushing your teeth regularly and using dental floss can reduce your risk of experiencing a variety of dental and oral diseases.
Brushing your teeth twice a day is actually not enough to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Why is that? Toothbrushes are not necessarily able to reach the angles and gaps between teeth, so often there is still food left behind between teeth.
Therefore, complete the effort to clean your teeth using dental floss. If necessary, also use mouthwash to rinse.
How to Use Dental Floss
The following are the correct ways to use dental floss or dental floss:- Take dental floss about 45 cm long and wrap both ends of the floss on the middle finger of your right and left hand.
- Hold the dental floss tightly with the help of the thumb and index finger.
- Gently slip the dental floss into one of the teeth, then rub it to form a letter C.
- Move the yarn up and down gently and slowly so as not to hurt the gum.
- Apply the same thing between the teeth.
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